How to Formulate and Prepare an Office Fire Evacuation Plan

When formulating a fire evacuation plan for an office building, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, it is important to ensure that all employees are familiar with the plan. This means conducting regular fire evacuation drills to ensure that everyone knows where to go and what to do in the event of a fire.

Another important consideration is the layout of the office building. Make sure all exits are clearly marked and easily accessible in the event of an emergency. It is advisable to have a designated meeting spot outside the building where employees can gather after evacuating.

Finally, it is important to have a well-stocked emergency kit on hand. This should include flashlights, first aid supplies and bottled water.

What is an Office Fire Evacuation Plan and Why is it Important?

The main danger inside a facility is fire, which requires immediate evacuation. The only way to ensure that employees get out of the building safely is to have a well-defined and carefully rehearsed emergency procedure in place.

A fire evacuation plan is a list of instructions for what to do in the event of a fire. It is important because it helps ensure that everyone knows the proper procedures as well as where to go in the event of an emergency.

The Different Roles and Responsibilities Involved in a Fire Evacuation Plan

Most people would want to flee the workplace as swiftly as possible in the midst of a crisis, but doing so poses an increased risk of injury and property damage. The employees need calm, level-headed leaders who can direct basic activities and manage an orderly evacuation.

In general, an evacuation plan for a business requires the following four roles to keep things orderly and calm:

  • Point of Contact: This individual communicates with emergency services and handles all building-related concerns during an evacuation.
  • Coordinator: The coordinator works from the safety checklist, which includes shutting off gas lines, double-checking offices and restrooms for stragglers, and securing the site as much as possible after an evacuation is announced.
  • Counter: Head counters ensure that everyone is accounted for. If each department employs its own head counter, they must report to the building coordinator.
  • First Aid: Burns, cuts and other minor injuries can be treated with the items in a first-aid kit until emergency services arrive. Several members of the staff should know some basic first aid so that they can provide emergency care if needed.

In small workplaces, one person may perform more than one task — nevertheless, all four roles are still required.

How Do You Determine the Best Escape Route?

Make sure your company has a comprehensive fire evacuation procedure in place, including primary and secondary exits. Signs should be posted throughout the facility, informing visitors about all available exits and fire exits. It's also required to create a separate evacuation strategy for people with disabilities who require accessible evacuation routes and strategies.

Where do your personnel go once they've exited the building? Assign a gathering spot for employees. The Counter should collect the headcount and updates at the assembly area. Finally, ensure the escape routes and assembly area are big enough to accommodate the number of people anticipated to evacuate.

Practice Drills - Why They are Important and How to Conduct Them

It is important to have regular fire evacuation drills in order to practice the evacuation plan and ensure everyone knows what to do in the event of an emergency. Drills should be conducted at least once a year and again if there are changes to the escape routes or the emergency procedures.

To conduct a drill, announce over the PA system or via email that there will be a fire evacuation drill and the time it will occur. Have everyone meet at the designated assembly point. Once everyone has gathered, have someone act as the fire warden to walk through the emergency procedure. Make sure to take a headcount and account for everyone who is supposed to be in the building.

Smoke Guard Products - What They Are and How They Can Help

The primary purpose of a fire evacuation plan for the office is to provide a safe and secure escape route from danger. Smoke Guard’s fire and smoke products are designed to keep elevators, stairwells and hallways clear of smoke and fire:

  • Elevators: Our elevator smoke containment curtains, in conjunction with the fire-rated doors found in almost all elevators, provide complete and code-compliant smoke and draft opening protection. These units are installed in elevator openings and work seamlessly with existing fire safety systems to bring a building up to code quickly.
  • Open Stairs: Smoke Guard's M4000 fire-rated curtain does not require corner support posts which makes it the perfect choice for vertically deploying perimeter curtain systems. This sort of fire curtain may protect stairwells or elevators from smoke and flames, as well as act as a reservoir for smoke on the higher floors of an atrium or other open area.
  • Hallways: Smoke Guard's horizontal smoke barriers are designed to seal off a room or hallway from smoke and fire. These units are typically used in office buildings, schools, hospitals and other commercial applications.

When installed correctly, our products provide reliable and code-compliant smoke and fire containment, allowing for a safe and secure means of evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Smoke Guard offers various products that can be tailored to the specific needs of your office building. Contact us today for more information and the location of a distributor near you.