M200 • Ocean Towers Condominiums • Santa Monica, CA

How High Design & Building Codes Can Co-Exist

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  • When Is a Fire Suppression System Required?
    WEDNESDAY, FEB 24, 2021
    For many businesses and commercial buildings, fire suppression systems of some kind are necessary in order for the building to operate. However, fire suppression systems come in many different forms,…
  • What Are the Requirements for Smoke Evacuation Systems in Buildings?
    TUESDAY, FEB 16, 2021
    Smoke, and the chemicals that it contains, can sometimes be more damaging and deadly than the flames from a fire, which is why many buildings have strict smoke evacuation protocols…
  • 7 Tips for Preventing Costly Fire Damage Repair
    WEDNESDAY, FEB 10, 2021
    Workplace fires are a serious issue. Even if they happen during hours when no one is in the building, the damage and the cost of repair can be catastrophic. In…
  • The Cost Savings of Elevator Smoke Curtains
    FRIDAY, JAN 08, 2021
    A fire can cause a considerable amount of damage, but it isn't just the flames that cause problems. The smoke that comes with fires is also hazardous and damaging. Due…
  • Fire Protection Systems for Archives and Records
    MONDAY, DEC 21, 2020
    Archives and records have an increased risk of fire- and smoke-related damage, more than many other materials. The nature of most archives and records often means that they consist of…