Smoke Curtain vs. Fire Curtain: Which One Do You Need?

Deciding between a smoke curtain and a fire curtain is a significant choice for commercial property owners who need to balance safety with compliance. Each system offers unique benefits tailored to different aspects of fire safety.

Understanding their functions, benefits and applications is essential for making an informed decision that aligns with your building's specific safety requirements.

Understanding Smoke Curtains

Smoke curtains control the movement of smoke through a building during a fire. By channeling or containing smoke, smoke curtains help maintain clear evacuation routes and prevent the inhalation of dangerous gasses.

Key Benefits and Applications

  • Smoke curtains significantly extend evacuation times by preventing the spread of smoke, particularly in open-plan spaces where traditional compartmentalization might be difficult.

  • They can be seamlessly integrated into a building's fire protection system to deploy automatically in response to smoke detection.

Varieties of Smoke Curtain Systems

Available in automatic and manual deployment options, smoke curtains can be customized to fit the specific needs of a building, including integration with existing fire alarm systems for immediate response.

Elevator Smoke Curtains

Elevator smoke curtains are specifically designed to protect elevator shafts by preventing the entry or escape of smoke during a fire. Smoke can act as a chimney that spreads to different floors. Elevator smoke curtains are engineered to deploy effortlessly without affecting elevator operation or the building's aesthetics. They are lightweight, unobtrusive and highly effective, making them an ideal solution for modern commercial buildings that prioritize safety and design.

Perimeter Smoke Curtains

Perimeter smoke curtains are deployed around the perimeters of areas to create a barrier against smoke. Perfect for large, open areas, they provide a flexible solution to maintain smoke-free zones by preserving visibility and air quality during critical evacuation procedures.

Draft Curtains

Draft curtains are a simple yet effective solution for managing smoke in large, open buildings such as warehouses or atriums. They help in directing smoke towards ventilation areas, assisting in smoke exhaust and preventing the stratification of smoke at lower levels, which can be critical for both safe evacuation and property protection during a fire.

Understanding Fire Curtains

Fire curtains, on the other hand, serve as a physical barrier against flames. Constructed from fire-resistant materials, they are designed to contain fires within a designated area to prevent the spread of flames and heat.

Key Benefits and Applications

  • By compartmentalizing the fire, fire curtains help protect escape routes and reduce the risk of the fire spreading to other parts of the building.

  • They are particularly useful in areas that require a physical barrier for fire containment, such as stairwells or between different building sections.

Types of Fire Curtains


Horizontal fire curtains are an innovative solution for situations where traditional vertical barriers are impractical or aesthetically disruptive. They deploy from the ceiling to form a rigid, flat barrier during a fire event to effectively compartmentalize the space and prevent the spread of fire and smoke.


Vertical fire curtains are designed to descend from above doorways or between areas to preserve the open layout of spaces while also providing fire protection where it's needed. They are especially suited to modern architecture where maintaining clear lines of sight is crucial. Highly durable and requiring minimal headroom, they are a discreet yet powerful safeguard against the rapid spread of fire.


Perimeter fire curtains are essential for open spaces where walls are not feasible but fire separation is necessary. These advanced systems can be custom-designed to fit the unique contours of a space to effectively create a fire-resistant partition. They deploy quickly and quietly to maintain the integrity of an area's design while also providing robust protection against fire spread.

With options ranging from static barriers to deployable systems, fire curtains are available in various fire rating levels for flexibility in design and application to meet stringent safety standards.

Comparing Smoke and Fire Curtains

While both systems are designed for fire safety, their applications and benefits differ significantly. Smoke curtains are primarily used for smoke management by helping to maintain air quality and visibility during a fire. Fire curtains, however, focus on containing the fire, limiting damage and protecting escape routes.

Installation Considerations

  • The choice between smoke and fire curtains often depends on the specific layout and needs of a property, as well as local building codes and regulations.

  • Both systems require regular maintenance and testing to ensure that they function correctly in the event of a fire.

Material Composition

Fire Curtains

Fire curtains are engineered from materials that can endure extreme heat and direct flame contact. The materials typically include a blend of high-temperature resistant fabrics, often infused with metal filaments to enhance their structural integrity and fire-retardant capabilities. This composition helps to ensure that they act as an effective barrier against fire and that they maintain their shape and function in critical conditions.

Smoke Curtains

Smoke curtains, on the other hand, are constructed from materials designed to resist the permeation of smoke. The materials include lightweight yet durable fabrics that can block smoke without hindering emergency evacuation visibility. The materials often have a coating to minimize the emission of harmful gasses when heated to ensure that they remain effective in managing smoke flow during a fire.

Selecting the Right Type of Curtain

Integrating Smoke Guard's product range into strategic deployment plans for smoke and fire curtains ensures both safety and compliance across various spaces in a commercial property. Here are a few specific recommendations.

For elevators in high-rise buildings, the M200 and M400 Series provide a robust smoke protection solution. They are discreetly engineered to deploy when needed and form a smoke-tight seal around the elevator doors without compromising the overall design aesthetic. They are rigorously tested to ensure reliability and compliance with fire safety regulations.

In spaces where maintaining compartmentalization of smoke is critical, the M2500 Series is a vertical deployment option that is ideal for atrium separation or to protect against the spread of smoke through stairwells. These curtains are designed to descend from ceiling to floor upon detection of smoke to provide a full vertical barrier. The M2500 Series is known for its seamless integration into modern architecture without disrupting the building's interior design.

For larger open spaces, the M4000 Series presents an optimal perimeter protection solution. The curtains are engineered to deploy horizontally to create a reliable barrier at the ceiling level, effectively compartmentalizing smoke within designated zones. Their deployment can play a critical role in maintaining clear egress paths and improving safety during a fire emergency.

Each product is tailored to meet the unique challenges of different spaces, from high-risk areas to large, interconnected zones, for optimal safety and functionality.

Customization and Flexibility

Smoke and fire curtains are highly versatile safety solutions that can be tailored to meet both the aesthetic and functional needs of your property. These customizable curtains ensure that your design vision remains intact without compromising on safety.

When considering the future use of your space, it's worth noting that both smoke and fire curtains offer scalable solutions. This means that they can easily adapt to any changes in building layout or usage for long-term flexibility and peace of mind.