• Data Center Fire Suppression: Types and Best Practices
    TUESDAY, JAN 09, 2018
    Data centers are complex by nature, making fire protection in these buildings a potential challenge. Modern data centers are incredibly power-dense, with upwards of 400 watts per square foot. Numerous…
  • Choosing Healthier Building Materials and Methods
    MONDAY, DEC 18, 2017
    The use of responsible building materials and practices is part of a growing worldwide initiative in the building industry. Buildings are responsible for a substantial amount of the global use…
  • Fire and Smoke Curtains for Municipal Buildings
    TUESDAY, OCT 31, 2017
    Municipal buildings have very specific needs when it comes to fire protection. Not only do the occupants working in the building need to stay safe, there are often numerous visitors…
  • Atrium Smoke Control 101
    MONDAY, OCT 16, 2017
    Atriums have been a common design in architecture since ancient Rome. While once constructed purely for the function of bringing in natural light and ventilation, atriums are now often pursued…
  • 3 Ways to Prepare Your Hospital for a Fire
    WEDNESDAY, SEP 13, 2017
    A fire is one of the most devastating emergencies a healthcare facility can experience and hospitals in particular prove to be a challenging type of public facility to address. Due…