• 7 Workplace Health and Safety Trends That Will Make a Big Impact in 2020
    THURSDAY, NOV 21, 2019
    Workplaces are changing. As more Boomers retire, millennials move up the ranks and members of Gen Z begin to enter the workforce, the way that companies are structured and do…
  • Integrating Smoke Control During Design Phase of High-Rise Buildings
    TUESDAY, OCT 22, 2019
    Very tall buildings have several unique characteristics that increase the severity of potential fire events including higher occupancy, longer evacuation times, access issues for responders and potential water pressure/availability issues.…
  • Using Zoned Smoke Control in High-Rise Buildings
    TUESDAY, OCT 22, 2019
    Smoke control by definition only seeks to compartmentalize the smoke and limit its spread to other parts of the building. In skyscrapers, this is especially important as there are many…
  • Fire and Smoke Control in High-Rise Apartment Complexes
    WEDNESDAY, OCT 16, 2019
    According to the U.S. Fire Administration, between 2013 to 2015 an estimated 109,700 multifamily residential building fires were reported to fire departments within the United States each year. These fires…
  • 6 Common Places Fires in Buildings Begin
    WEDNESDAY, SEP 25, 2019
    Office space fires can be catastrophic. Even if they occur when no occupants are in the building, a fire can cause significant damage to equipment, workspaces and the building’s structure,…