• Avoiding Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration Costs
    FRIDAY, JUL 14, 2017
    Having a fire in your building can be catastrophic, even when the initial incident is minor. The damage done to your building by the fire, smoke, and the water and…
  • A Beginner’s Guide to Fire Protection in Buildings
    FRIDAY, JUL 14, 2017
    Buildings designed and renovated today follow several protocols to protect both the building and the inhabitants from risk including fire protection. Installing standard fire fighting equipment such as sprinklers is…
  • Gorgeous Atriums that Meet Design Aesthetic and Safety Code
    TUESDAY, JUN 20, 2017
    There are few design elements more visually imposing and spatially awe-inspiring than a properly implemented atrium. They provide large volumes of vertical space that are used by hotels, office buildings,…
  • Energy Efficient Buildings: When Building Code is Key
    FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2017
    According to the U.S. Department of Energy, over the next 30 years, building energy codes are projected to: save up to $126 billion in energyreduce carbon emissions by 841 million…
  • Constructing Healthier Buildings
    WEDNESDAY, APR 19, 2017
    Sustainability, as it relates to construction and design, is a relatively simple idea. Recycling, energy efficiency and saving water are now mainstream concepts. The use of sustainable, non-toxic and natural…