M200 • Ocean Towers Condominiums • Santa Monica, CA

How High Design & Building Codes Can Co-Exist

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  • Why Smoke Guard?
    SUNDAY, JUL 27, 2014
    Whether you are doing renovations or starting new construction, it is imperative to adhere to all fire safety building codes. However, just because there are codes to abide by doesn’t…
  • The Purpose of Smoke Control in Atrium Spaces
    FRIDAY, JUL 25, 2014
    When dealing with a large building, atrium spaces can be quite tricky when it comes to building codes. Because of the wide open nature of an atrium, controlling smoke and…
  • Fire & Smoke Safety for Theaters
    MONDAY, JUL 21, 2014
    Think about the last time you were in a theater or auditorium. When it is time for everyone the leave, inevitably the doorways get quite crowded and you end up…
  • Fire Safety in Prisons and Detention Centers
    THURSDAY, JUL 17, 2014
    Jails, Prisons and detention centers provide a unique dilemma when it comes to fire and smoke safety. Not only are these building already somewhat segmented, but the safety and security…
  • The Disadvantages to a Classic Fire Door
    SUNDAY, JUL 13, 2014
    The classic steel fire door has quite a legacy when it comes to fire protection. These doors are usually quite cost effective so are an easy decision when it comes…